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with Abrah Sprung, Ph.D., PMH-C

Certified Perinatal Mental Health Provider

Offering EMDR & Integrated Brainspotting, Internal Family Systems & Somatic Therapy.

You’re tired of wondering if and when things will get better.

It’s been too long since you've felt like "you."

  • You think something might be wrong with you.

  • You feel like you have to constantly wear a mask because you don’t want others to see you’re struggling.

  • You keep thinking about what happened.

  • You feel less connected, whether it’s to family, friends, colleagues, or community.

  • You find it hard to trust your instincts when it comes to making decisions.

  • You replay events, actions or conversations you’ve had, searching for what you did wrong or should have done differently.

  • You can’t relax.

All you want is something different, and to get back to how you were before. Or, maybe the way you’ve always been could use some serious transformation. You know it’s time to let go of the darkness, shame and inner critic that loop in your head on autoplay, but you don’t know how to do that. You may have read self-help books, listened to podcasts, and maybe you’ve even been to therapy before, but nothing has gotten to the bottom of what’s going on for you and actually led to the healing and change you’re looking for .

You’ve come to the right place for things to get better.

Clients often come to me highly aware of how and why they’re suffering, including knowing where they get stuck in the ways that they do, if that, too, is part of the picture. They may have tried other things in their search for healing or for a different and better life, but so far nothing has led to long-term change.

Using EMDR and in many cases, other powerful approaches in tandem, we’ll look back at what’s happened to you. We’ll go deep to help you process what’s needed for you to heal, and what may be keeping you stuck and from living life as you wish you could. We’ll tap into the power of your body’s own natural healing process - a strength that’s already in you - and use it to work through what’s been holding you back. I’ll help you to learn to see yourself, your relationships, and the world around you in a new light, and work with you to chart a new way forward untethered by the pain of what happened to you, and feeling calm, at peace, resilient, and empowered.

I don’t believe every bit of therapy has to be all tissues and tears. Along with accompanying you to the root of issues, challenging places, and deeply difficult emotions, we’ll look for the contributions that creativity, curiosity, and other affirmative states can offer up, because they are important bedrock for the healing process, too.

I invite you to explore this website to learn more about what it’s like to work with me, and about EMDR therapy, EMDR intensives, and integrative EMDR approaches I use.

Ready to move forward? Click below to access my calendar to schedule a free initial consultation.

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